Friday, March 20, 2015


Pachebel's Cannonballs and Third Time's the Charm

Closely related, right?
Actually, they kind of are. Here's the lowdown on the showdown....
So Saturday we were out finding, like normal. Things were going okay and we were talking to some people. Then Elder Barker stops a normal, middle aged Chinese man and we start talking to him. About halfway through, it gets a little heated.
"I know what I'm saying is true." The man says.
"Well I do to." Comes elder Barker's rebuttal.
"No, you don't understand. I know what I'm saying is true, and you can't understand. I could talk all day, but you won't understand."
"Well, we could talk for three years and you also won't understand."
The man's face grew stern, and he leaned in a little, staring Elder Barker down, like a Wyatt and some bacon. (I was going to say Sig, but this guy was more like Wyatt. You know, small and thinks he's super tough.) "No, you really don't understand. You can't understand, because you haven't died three times like me." He looked at us a little longer. "Three times."
He then proceeded to explain, very quickly and without pausing, that he had been sick as a child, and poof, died, but somehow miraculously came back to life. Then, as a young boy, he had no home and no food and no family, and died of starvation, but somehow miraculously came back to life. Then, as an adult, he was hit by a moving car, (moving being the keyword,) and died of being hit by a car, because that's what happens when you get hit by a car. And he was really dead. But somehow, he managed to come back to life.
So now he knows all about everything and we're just young and stupid :D
We shook hands and said our good-byes and walked off, laughing about it and shaking our heads. I wouldn't say that there are more sickly-minded people in Hong Kong than there are in America, but here, because everything is so crowded and there's no space for those people, they all just wander around on the streets and make a lot of noise.
In any case, we went only a few steps, when we ran into a guy who we'd met before. He's Chinese, but has been to England and looks like the classic Posh-English drunkard, but with squinty eyes and a funny accent.
"Ahh, the fishers of men!" He exclaimed upon seeing us, walking up to shake our hands. His English is quite good, and he refuses to speak Chinese, which is a bit annoying.
"Yep, that's us."
"Very good that! Fishers of men! Like cannonballs!"
"Cannonballs?" I asked tentatively, not sure if I'd heard right.
"Yes, cannonballs!"
"Cannonballs?" I still wasn't sure if he was speaking English or Chinglish or some form of Arabic. My mind wheeled trying to call back any similar words I'd learned in the past few months, but nothing was coming.
"Yes, cannonballs! You are fishers of men! You catch men, so you can eat them!" He erupted in a bout of goofy laughter which tumbled from his posh belly and blubbered around in his posh boots as he walked off, leaving us in a dazed stupor for a bit. Still not exactly sure what had just transpired.
It took us a few moments to realize that he wasn't speaking of cannonballs.
In any case, that was our funny story for the week.
I'm doing good and the work is progressing. Though, at the moment, our teaching pool is down to not a single soul, which is weird because we had quite a few investigators before New Years, things are still happening. We were able to participate in A-Cheung's confirmation on Sunday, which was a great experience. I could, quite literally, feel the power of God in my hands, and I was amazed, not for the first time, that this is the same power which was used to create the worlds and everything in them.
God has put more than a little trust in us.
A-Cheung is a stud of studs. I've already noticed small changes in his behaviors and countenance, and I'm very excited to see him grow in the church, and have a good friend for the rest of my life.
We also continue to have the opportunity to work with Brother Hung. He's a less-active that's been less-active for quite sometime. His mind works a little differently, and I don't foresee him ever being an extremely strong member of the church, but he is fun to teach. At first, it was rough because he doesn't focus well and doesn't learn well, but Elder Barker and I have devised a system of teaching which seems to work quite well with him, and it's fun.
He's a super silly guy, and is always giving Elder Barker crosses, and giving me toys from McDonald's Happy Meals. I have like seven of them now :)
Our ward is good, and despite all of the strange people and the awkward little bits, we have had and are having will continue to have lots of success. I'm enjoying it a lot.

You guys are all so awesome. I pray everyday that God will continue to help and bless, and make life fun. I'm doing fine, and loving all the spices!
Thanks, and love Da Smoe. And never forget Da Smoe.

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