Sunday, March 29, 2015


"When I was about four, my sister had this little laptop. You know, one of those cheap toys that have the little kid's games on them?" Said Elder Barker as he responded to the question.

We were in Elder's Quorum and had been talking about the difference between the titles Savior and Redeemer. Of course, the subject of sins and transgressions came up, and we needed to distinguish the difference. 

"I remember looking at it and having an idea pop into my head." He continued as everyone listened intently. "Being that young you just have strange things come into your head that make perfect sense at the time.

"The computer had a little mouse to go with it, and so I took some scissors and thought it was a great idea to cut the cord."

At least, that's what was meant to be said. The room erupted with laughter, but not because they found the story funny. You see, in Cantonese there are so many different transliterations, or, English words that get changed so they sound chinesey. Because the Chinese language never ends a syllable with the S sound, whenever there is an English word that ends in the S sound, they put a "si" on the end. So, the transliteration for mouse is "mau-si." Middle tone and then Low tone. But Elder Barker said it with a High tone and a Mid-rising tone. A high tone "mau" is Cat, and a Mid-rising "si" is poop. Thus;

"The computer had a little cat poop to go with it, and so I took some scissors and thought it was a great idea to...."

You know the rest of the story.

It was a good laugh and everyone loved it. Elder Barker told me that he's actually grateful that it happened because now he has a good experience to look back on. I, as of yet, have not had a goof up with language, but, time will tell.

Well, of course I must apologize now. I promised that I would remember to tell you when it was Temple week, but, alas, I have forgotten again. I still don't get how I can digest words in another language like corn dogs, but can't remember some important things which you would think would be easy. Half the time I forget who the people we contacted during the day were, even though I have the name and their phone number and their email and the dogs name and their neighbors phone number and.... Ah, well, guess you can't be perfect in all things.

In any case, the week was good and every week things get a little easier and the language becomes more fluent. I'm starting to develop a Chinese accent, which helps a lot. But don't worry, I won't speak English like a Chinese person when I come home. 

No pictures again this week, unfortunately, because we are once again in the Apple Store. But, a great upside is that we are going to the Museum that A-Cheung works at (and practically runs.) We've been planning this for a long time and are very excited to go. Of course, it's a Medical Sciences museum so, even though his English is better than ours, we're not going to understand anything that's being talked about. But, still glad that we get to go, and I know it's going to mean a lot to him.

So, a ton of pictures next week.

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