Monday, December 15, 2014


Things are going well here. Though I've struggled with a lot of things, I still feel confident that I know at least enough Cantonese to say hello and give my name. Still can't believe that I only have a week left. The older Thais just left, and we were all freaking out. 

Nothing super exciting or interesting happened this week. I kind of feel bad about not having anything to tell you, but, that's how it goes here at the MTC. In any case, the next 95 emails will all have cool things in them, so I'm not too worried about it. 

I've had the hardest time thinking up an ornament. There's just not much to work with here, and not much time to do anything. If worse comes to worst, I'll just do something totally cheesy.

I just thought of something funny that did happen. On Friday we were playing soccer for gym, and I tripped and did a swan dive and.... It's just a sprain, but it did hurt when it happened. The funny thing was that I was laughing instead of whining about it, which everyone else thought was weird. But then, it fits me well.

My two years will be over before we know it.

Though you're still not sure exactly what you'll be doing for Christmas, I do hope that you're able to go to New Mexico and celebrate it with the Georges. It would be super sweet to be able to skype them as well.

I love you all so very much, and am very excited to have this opportunity to be going to such a cool place and share the gospel with such interesting people.

P.S. Here's our flight plan;

LV: Salt Lake City, UT - 11:10 AM - 15 DEC
AR: Seattle, WA - 12:22 PM - 15 DEC

LV: Seattle, WA - 2:38 PM - 15 DEC
AR: Hong Kong, Hong Kong - 9:30 PM - 16 DEC

So, according to that, there will be virtually no time to call. We leave the MTC at 6:00 AM on Monday, and though we will have a few hours at the SLC airport, there will be so many other people/missionaries there, we won't be able to call. So, don't plan on it. A little disappointing, but, we'll get to talk ten days later on Christmas.

Me and Elder Beresford

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