Monday, December 15, 2014


Leihdeih hou! Dim a? I talked to the Branch Presidency and they said that we could e-mail today, which is nice. I'm not quite sure but I think that the HongKong mission P-Day is Wednesday, so, I might get to email in two days. 

Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing fine and am very excited. I have most everything packed and have enough space, so we're good with the luggage. Everyone in the district has their Visas, so no problems there. And, hopefully we'll get to call in the morning sometime between eight and ten. 

Oh, and remember that once I get to HongKong the time difference kicks in and we'll be thirteen hours ahead. We land at nine at night, HK time, so we won't be e-mailing then. 

I hope that everything is going good with you all and am very thankful for the opportunity you've given me. And thank you very much for the package. The treats were great and I'm excited for the presents. Plus, I'm glad to have the pictures. I sent a package back and hope it's arrived, or will in the next few days.

Merry Christmas

Love, Da Smoe

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