Sunday, November 23, 2014


 Leihdeih haih Faht!

Leihdeih - You all
Haih - Is/Am/Are
Faht - Buddha

We call each other fat all the time now. 

Things have been going swell here. Except for the food, of course. A few of us are starting "diets" today. We're going to focus on eating salads and wraps, which still aren't very good for you. If I enjoy eating the salad, it's most definitely not healthy.

A funny thing happened last night. I was struggling a bit, and I needed/wanted a reaffirmation that I'm doing the right thing. So, in my evening prayer, I asked God for such a thing. I didn't want to become a Korihor and say, "Show me a sign!" But at the same time, I wanted a definite answer. So, I said, "If I wake up before my alarm goes off, then I'll know." Seemed like a good thing to say at the time. Of course, I was sick and tired and almost asleep, but you know.

It was the most restless sleep I've had here at the MTC. I feel asleep at first, then woke up around two in the morning and just could not get any rest. Everyone kept snoring and flopping around in their beds and...AAAHHHHHH! I woke up pretty frustrated, not to mention tired, and asked God why He would do that to me? Of course, being Smoe, I had completely forgotten my previous prayer. When I realized that I had received my answer, and that the Lord had capitalized on the opportunity to put me in my place, I felt pretty retarded. But, it was a good experience, and the first time that I've received physical evidence in such a short time.

So, for lack of a good night's sleep, I know this church is true.

I love you all and am very grateful for the sacrifices you're making to allow me to be out here. I pray that God will bless you for it. 

Love, Da Smoe

P.S. sorry there are no more pictures this week. I didn't get much of an opportunity to take more, as it's been very cold here, and we all have so much extra free time to do things with ;)

P.P.S. I'm sending a few words with pronunciations in a letter. I'll continue to send more.

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