Sunday, November 23, 2014

As you can probably tell, we like to quote Nacho Libre. That and Napolean Dynamite. The movies seem so much more funny when we quote them. Never thought I'd want to watch a movie so bad. Well, we did watch one, that is, The Testaments. Everybody cat-called when they kissed, of course. Such a good film. The Sunday Devo was pretty good as well. Sister Nelson-aka Russel M. Nelson's wife-came and spoke to us. I can't remember much about it because I don't have my notes, but we did get to sing a new hymn that she and a friend wrote. O Lord Make Us A Holy People. Maybe the church will produce a modern hymn book sometime soon that has more hymns in it.

In any case, things are still going along just fine. The language is very, very, very, very, very, very, very difficult to learn, but I'm enjoying it, and amazed at how much we have learned. The only time I get frustrated is when we go to teach a lesson. It's very difficult because our "investigators," who are our teachers, ask really difficult questions, which have really difficult answers, and we don't have the vocab for it. Plus, my comp, Elder Beresford, is struggling a little with Cantonese, so I usually end up doing the listening and talking by myself. He finds it hard to focus a lot of the time, but, he'll come around soon.

Funny story. I got the package, which I am very grateful for. The cookies are great, if a little dry. And thank you so much for sending something to Elder Beresford. He really appreciated it. I was excited to have my other shoes for gym and such, but when I wore them to play soccer, they exploded. Literally. I kicked the ball, and the metal strip which keeps the bottom rigid tore through the material, cut my ankle, and flew off into the grass. The shoes are pretty much done for. Everyone tried to convince me  d sadmksiw3io3o3p3o3pjiq

Well then...ahem...nothing happened there.

It's all Elder Gonzalez's fault. He's one of the Thai Elders in my zone and is sitting close by. He started typing all crazy, so I looked at his comp and we both shrugged. Then I went all Nacho on the keyboard and...yah....

Anyways, back to the story, everyone tried to convince me that I could just wrap it up with duct tape and it would be fine. Because everyone is running around with a bunch of duct tape in this place. They don't have any at the bookstore either. Speaking about the bookstore. Everything is so cheap. There's a lot of things I could have just bought here and saved a lot of money. The small quad scriptures are like thirty dollars. And, of course, I've capitalized on the fact that they even do the missionary discount on their junk food. Paying for it at the moment, though, because I've got a bit of a cold. I whipped out the garlic immune last night to take some, and everybody in my room freaked out because of the smell. I'm going to use it to wake them up tomorrow morning.

We talked to some Elders who are going Stateside, but come from Hong Kong. It was pretty dang sweet. They helped us out with the language a little, told us about some good places to eat, and then told us that we all should have waited to buy our mission clothes when we got there. They said they bought two full suits plus all their shirts and shoes and such, for like five hundred dollars. What!? I think I'll just get a job in the states when I get back, work for a year, then go live for five years in Hong Kong. I may live in a tiny cage, but I'll have a sorts of cheap stuff to bring back.

Well, we finally found out how to send pictures, but we can't until next week because we have to go buy the "expensive" SD Card Reader and we don't have time. The guy in the bookstore assured us that the cheaper one worked fine. Guess he never tried. 

Ngoh jidou ligaan gaauwui haih jansahtge. Ngoh jidou ligaan gaauwui haih Sahnge gaauwui. Ngoh jidou Moyihmuhnging haih jansahtge. Ngoh gwaanyu Yehsou Geiduk yauh seunsam, tuhngmaaih ngoh gwaanyu Keuihge Suhkjeuih yauh seunsam. Ngoh sihsih wuih yauh seunsam. Fuhng Yehsou Geidukge mihng, a-muhn.

I have only one request. Send me a fifty pound box of chex-mix around Thanksgiving time. Don't worry, I'll share ;D

Hope you all are doing good, and just know that I know that I'm in the right place, and this gospel is true.

Da Smoe

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