Monday, November 24, 2014

Well, I trust that things are going well. I'll check my email later to see if you've sent me one.

In any case, things are going well. We just hit our six week mark, which means, we only have three left. I'm freaking out a bit because I don't know if I'm physically ready for Hong Kong. Mentally and spiritually, though, I'm prepared. We asked our teachers if they thought we knew enough Cantonese yet to go, and they told us that we didn't need to worry. We could be shipped out now and we'd be just fine.

I feel like I've been speaking Cantonese all my life.

I had a dream just the other night in which I was speaking to someone in Cantonese. He kept saying a word that I didn't recognize, because I've never heard it before. Dongwu. After I woke up I went and looked the word up. Turns out it's a real word and it means animal. A bit of Gift of Tongues there or something. Definitely a cool experience, though.

We've been having a lot of fun here recently. Elder Shipp has been building forts for his bed instead of sleeping. (I'll have to get some pictures of it.) He and Elder Powell-now Zone Leaders-are setting great examples ;)

My comp, Elder Beresford, has been struggling with the language as of late. Part of it is that he's not as "intelligent" as the rest of us. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that, his brain works differently. We pick new concepts up a little quicker. We had a fast for him on Wednesday, and I know it helped. He's doing better now, and when he applies himself, he speaks just fine.

Speaking about speaking languages. We had TRC on Saturday, as usual, and man was it good. I took virtually no notes, and was able to ask questions, understand the answers, teach by the spirit and help resolve the "investigators" needs, all in Cantonese. It shocked me, to say the least. That was when I really realized the extent of what we've all learned. I know I've worked hard, and I've applied myself day in and day out to learning the language, but I also know that there is no possible way I've remembered this much without God's help.

I only have two requests. 1) Apparently, in Hong Kong, when we talk to the people about our families, they're going to want to see pictures. Our teachers actually told us to take pictures of family with us, because it's a great teaching tool. Would you mind printing some that actually look half good? (I know, we're so photogenic.)

2) Would you mind sending some knee pads :D They will be put to good use. 

P.S. Just kidding. Seriously, though. I pray a lot now.

P.P.S. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's how one of our teachers, Chan Jimuih, laughs. We're pretty sure she invented "hahaha."

P.P.S. I'll send pictures right after this.

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